Monday, September 22, 2008

Starting week 3

I have to say that I am starting on my 3rd week, but I am loving this stuff! I have only missed 2 days so far, and feeling really great. I am realizing sore muscles are gonna be part of my life for the next little bit, a and after the funny walk I have adjusted really well. I found my favorite in the P90 and its Kenpo X. So crazy all the bouncing around, and the nasty sweaty clothes after- Love it! Tyler after talking to you I had about and 45 min. of yoga I had put off, so I went and finished and I even did Plow all the way behind my ears!! I am still eating pretty normal but, cutting out extra sweets are you guys following a strict diet?

1 comment:

Tyler said...

I think that I would run a personal danger of actually ruining fertility options if I put my knees down like that. Way to go, and embrace the upward dog.