Saturday, September 20, 2008

Took a day off

We have a test coming on Monday, so we took the day off yesterday and studied instead. Mental workout and all that. So instead, I have a more informational post: THIS is a spreadsheet that I use to track my workouts. All you have to do is put in your first day and it tells you what to do and you can keep track of what you do each time too. So handy. Though it may not work for the "lean" or other combinations that you can do

You are all contributors for a reason too. P and tell about how awesome you are looking, or how much butt you have kicked or something (minus you Amy, you post much on your own blog). It keeps me motivated, and I know it helps to know that someone else is counting on you too.

And here is some motivation too. You do NOT want to look like this. And I would like to see some other before pictures too. You don't need to post them here (wimps), but take one and keep it, for to compare when we are 3 months in. Workout on!

Any of you all using supplements of some kind?


Amy Miller said...

You look like you're in serious pain or something. How about a smile?

I think Jon and I will track our progress here on the next round of Tony torture - which will begin around mid-October. Maybe we'll be brave like you and post before pictures too.

Good luck on your test!

Lori said...

You are awesome to post a picture- I don't think I dare. I am not taking any supplements or anything extra special. I love all this extra support it is helping a lot!